
K-5 Tutoring
Grade level Skills

Pre-K - Kindergarten

Pre school is becoming more and more important to expose your child to academics to prepare them for the journey to learn to read and write as well as add and subtract. Kindergarteners now are expected to read and compute math number skills with fluency. Without some school-based learning children enter far behind standards if they are not exposed and practicing sounds and recognizing print in their environment. I can make the transition to school and educational expectations easier for kids and parents. Lessons provide a lot of games and hands-on materials. Kids can bridge the gaps between learning skills or prepare for extra success. 

1st & 2nd Grades

Much of first and second-grade students’ work involves building upon skills previously learned in the earlier grades.  Second grade is a year of highly visible progress in reading and language arts. It is a year of discovery of the numbers in the world around us. 

Tutoring enhances skills learned in a one-on-one environment.  If your child has struggled with the academic demands of first or second grades they may require remediation and more time to practice skills.  Or there could be a research-based program that helps bridge the gaps in content areas. 3rd grade is typically the hardest transition year for students and I support the harder skills ahead of time to support the more rigorous academic challenges your child will face. 

3rd, 4th, & 5th grades

Upper elementary grades are a crucial period for pupils’ learning as they become more independent and mature learners. Kids dive into developing deeper academic skills. Pupils are encouraged to be more independent in their learning, depending less on the teacher‘s guidance and researching, planning, and revising their work more by themselves.

Kids progress from practicing basic skills to mastering them and moving on to further developing more complex skills. Children are no longer learning to read, they are learning from what they read.

Students will be expected to read for content and answer questions as well as use what they have read in writing assignments. Math has built and strategies now include rounding, multiplication & division as well as measurement and fractions. These years are critical in the growth of Math, Reading & Written expression.

Tutoring in these grades will consist of the multisensory game-based approach as well as filling in all the gaps to create a firm foundation of early elementary skills so future learning is easier and flows naturally.

Typically numerical grades come into play in the upper elementary classes and tutoring will help fill in missed standards or skills in different units of study vs. the whole learning approach in early education years.

Handwriting/ Study Skills

Handwriting tutoring will support blending, reading, writing, and spelling. I will offer print or cursive formats and Zaner-Bloser or D’Nealian writing programs. Handwriting without Tears is my preferred strategy but I am open to what your child’s school is teaching.

The D’Nealian method’s stylized manuscript alphabet sets it apart. It closely resembles cursive writing, making it easier to start connecting letters to write in cursive. 

The Zaner-Bloser writing simplifies print handwriting by minimizing strokes and body movements. 

All aged children benefit from study skills. The Objective of tutoring study skills will be to increase performance and decrease anxiety with test taking and presenting in front of peers and teachers.  

Students will learn new strategies for studying each content area.  They will practice new skills learned in order to have confidence in working on these skills, grades, presentations, and performance in school. Good study habits and organizational skills will produce less stress and more confidence and lead to higher grades. 

What Study Skills Does My Student Need?